The number of child migrants arriving in an Italian city has more than doubled, a report says

ROME (AP) — The number of unaccompanied children who arrived in the northern Italian city of Trieste through the Balkan migratory route more than doubled last year, an aid group said Thursday.

About 3,000 unaccompanied children arrived in Trieste, which is close to Italy’s borders with Croatia and Slovenia, in 2023, according to the International Rescue Committee’s annual report. There was a 112% rise compared to the previous year.

The minors represented nearly 20% of all migrants in the city supported by IRC and its partners, which provide them with information on their rights, legal guidance and support in accessing first aid services.

The Central Mediterranean remains the most active migratory route into Europe, European Union border agency Frontex says. The route accounts for 41% of irregular crossings, followed by the Western Balkans, the second most active route with 26% of the crossings.

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